Forces of Corruption Lua Scripts

All scripts should have a function Base_Definitions defined, either directly or in one of their required scripts. This is called by the engine when the script is first loaded.


Contains all galactic AI plans as well as subfolders "LandMode" and "SpaceMode" which contain the plans for the corresponding game modes. Note that scripts in this folder are only recognized by the game if they are in the main game directory (i.e. not in a mod folder) or if a script of the same name is contained in a loaded .meg file. In the latter case the script from this folder overrides the one in the .meg.


Scripts in this folder can be invoked by perceptions to run Lua commands to compute something. They contain a function Evaluate which is called when a perception invokes the script. Its return value is passed back to the perception. They also contain a function Clean_Up to reset variables containing pointers. The engine will actually call Evaluator_Clean_Up which is implemented in PGBaseDefinitions and calls Clean_Up.


The scripts in this folder handle the AI freestore, i.e. they control those units that are not needed for any active AI plans.


Contains scripts that are attached to units with the Lua_Script tag. The game loads several instances of these scripts at once (given by the ScriptPoolCount) even if not all of them are needed. Each unit is assigned its own script instance. When a unit with a script dies, rather than discarding and reloading the script the game cleans up the script instance by calling Flush_G and Base_Definitions again and assigns it to the next unit that requires it. The main function is called when the unit is spawned. Usually, object scripts simply require PGStateMachine which implements the main function and offers state machine functionality instead. Object scripts require the variable ServiceRate to be set in the setup phase, otherwise the main function won't be run.


Here, the base game intervention scripts are defined. They are simply AI plans for the player that use some specific logic.


This folder contains library scripts that do not have a specific purpose on their own but rather provide common base functionality for other scripts.


Contains commands for debugging which are deactivated for the release build.

Function Arguments Description
DebugEventAlert(event, params) event, list of parameters Triggers a MessageBox with information on the event and parameters.
MessageBox(...) String and optionally values for formatting Triggers a MessageBox with the formatted string.
ScriptMessage(...) String and optionally values for formatting Logs the formatted string in the AI log.
DebugMessage(...) String and optionally values for formatting Logs the formatted string in the AI log.
OutputDebug(...) String and optionally values for formatting Logs the formatted string in the log file.
ScriptError(...) String and optionally values for formatting Logs the formatted string in the log file and the AI log and exits the script.
DebugPrintTable(unit_table) table Prints all values to the AI log.


Requires PGDebug. Defines some basic functionality.

Function Arguments Description
ScriptExit() - Immediately terminates the script without executing any other statements.
Sleep(time) time in seconds Continue pumping events without doing anything else until the given game time has passed.
BlockOnCommand(block, max_duration, alternate_break_func) block: an object that has methods IsFinished and Result Waits until block.IsFinished() returns true, alternate_break_func() returns true or the given time runs out. If the block has finished, this returns block.Result(). Mainly used for unit movement commands and the reinforce command.
max_duration in seconds (optional)
alternate_break_func (optional)
BreakBlock() - Breaks a BlockOnCommand (may have unexpected effects if a BlockOnCommand is running in multiple threads)
TestCommand(block) block: an object that has a method IsFinished Runs PumpEvents once and returns block.IsFinished()
PumpEvents() - Implements threading and calls event handlers. Returns control to 'C' and continues on next service (i.e. after ServiceRate seconds).
TestValid(wrapper) wrapper: nil, game object Used to check validity of game objects. Returns false if wrapper is nil, doesn't have a function Is_Valid or wrapper.Is_Valid() is false.
Clamp(value, min, max) value, min, max: numbers
Dirty_Floor(val) val: number Returns val as string. Requires implicit string to int conversion of the return value.
Simple_Mod(a,b) a,b Modulus function.
Chance(seed, percent) seed, percent Requires a random seed between 0 and 99. Under those conditions it returns true with percent chance.
GetCurrentMinute() -
GetAbilityChanceSeed() - Just the current game time in seconds
GetChanceAllowed(difficulty) - Supposed to be difficulty dependent but always returns 100
PlayerSpecificName(player_object, var_name) player_object, var_name(string) Returns var_name with a player specific prefix
Flush_G() - Used to reset object scripts. Deletes all tables except for a few 'very important' ones. Also deletes most userdata.


Requires PGBase. Mainly defines/resets commonly used variables but also some additional functions.

Function Arguments Description
Common_Base_Definitions() - (Re)Sets all kinds of global variables. Only used in Base_Definitions()
Base_Definitions() - Calls Common_Base_Definitions() and Definitions() if it exists.
Evaluator_Clean_Up() - Basic clean up function for evaluator scripts. Calls Clean_Up().
UnitListIsObscured(unit_list) unit_list Returns true if all given units are obscured by some space field.
Cull_Unit_List(unit_list) unit_list Removes all dead or otherwise invalid units from a list and returns it.


Requires PGBaseDefinitions. Contains functions to set callbacks for certain events and some advanced unit/taskforce functionality.

Function Arguments Description
WaitForever() - Wait forever ...
Register_Timer(func, timeout, param) func, timeout, param(optional) Sets up a callback func(param) after timeout (in seconds) has expired.
Process_Timers() - Internal function to manage timers.
Cancel_Timer(func) func Cancel timer for a given function.
Register_Death_Event(obj, func) obj, func Sets up a call to func when the given object dies.
Process_Death_Events() - Internal function to manage death callbacks.
Register_Attacked_Event(obj, func) obj, func Sets up a call func(true, attacker, obj) when the given object is first attacked and a call func(true, nil, obj) when the given object is no longer under attack. The callback is not cancelled automatically at any point.
Process_Attacked_Events() - Internal function to manage attack callbacks.
Cancel_Attacked_Event(obj) obj
Register_Prox(obj, func, range, player_filter) obj, func, range, player_filter(optional) Sets up a callback to func(obj, trigger). The callback is executed continuously if not cancelled. Cancel by calling obj.Cancel_Event_Object_In_Range(func).
Process_Proximities() - Internal function that calls Service_Wrapper on units registered for proximity callbacks.
Pump_Service() - Internal function that runs processing functions and Story_Mode_Service if it exists. Is called by PumpEvents.
Try_Ability(thing, ability_name, target) thing, ability_name, target(optional, depends on ability) thing can be a unit or taskforce. Activates ability if possible. Only activates ability if an ability dependent chance is successful. However, in vanilla that chance is always 100%.
Use_Ability_If_Able(thing, ability_name, target) thing, ability_name, target(optional, depends on ability) thing can be a unit or taskforce. Activates ability if possible.
Is_A_Taskforce(thing) thing
ConsiderDivertAndAOE(object, ability_name, area_of_effect, recent_enemy_units, min_threat_to_use_ability) object, ability_name, area_of_effect(number), recent_enemy_units(unit list), min_threat_to_use_ability(number) This will consider diverting the passed object in order to use an area of effect ability centered on the unit.
OneOrMoreInRange(origin_unit, target_unit_list, range) origin_unit, target_unit_list, range Returns true if at least one of target_unit_list is inside the given range of origin_unit
PruneFriendlyObjects(obj_table) obj_table Removes any objects in obj_table that do not belong to PlayerObject and returns them in a new list.
Try_Garrison(tf, unit, offensive_only, range) tf(optional), unit, offensive_only, range Tries to garrison unit. Prefers places from which the unit can fire but will also find others if offensive_only is false. If tf is given, releases unit from tf.
Try_Deploy_Garrison(object, target, health_threshold) object, target(optional), health_threshold(number) Deploys units garrisoned in object if their health is high enough and there is no target or the garrisoned unit is good against the target.
Get_Special_Healer_Property_Flag(unit) unit Defines which heroes are healed by which type of healer. Also done for some special units. Used in free store and PGEvents.
Set_Land_AI_Targeting_Priorities(tf) tf Sets targeting priorities for the given taskforce.
Try_Weapon_Switch(object, target) object, target Switches weapons if they are more effective against the given target. Requires a custom entry for each unit type that can switch weapons.
Determine_Magic_Wait_Duration() - Returns a wait duration for magic plans.


Requires PGCommands. Overrides Base_Definitions and sets values used in AI scripts. Also defines unit category contrast values for the AI.

Function Arguments Description
Base_Definitions() - Calls Common_Base_Definitions, sets some AI plan variables and resets taskforce variables. Also calls Definitions if it exists.
Set_Contrast_Values() - Tells the AI how effective unit categories are against others.


Requires PGAICommands. Defines taskforce functions for AI scripts.


Requires PGTaskForce. Defines default event handlers for taskforces and some helper functions.


Requires PGCommands. Implements a state machine.


Requires PGStateMachine. Uses the state machine to handle story events.


Requires PGBaseDefinitions. Defines functions to use movement commands for unit lists.


Requires PGBaseDefinitions. Defines functions for reinforcing and to spawn a list of units.


Requires PGBaseDefinitions. Basic setup and helper functions for interventions.


GameScoring, FleetEvents and random stuff


This is where all story scripts are as well as the .txt files that define the story logs.

Lua Scripts

Scripts in here can be used for GCs or tactical missions by setting them in a story plot .xml file. Base_Definitions for these scripts is called during load of the GC/tactical mission. main is called when the respective game starts, however story scripts usually rely on PGStoryMode and PGStateMachine rather than implementing their own main functions. Unlike object scripts, story scripts don't pool and are discarded when the game mode ends. As such, they are reloaded directly from the file when they are needed again.

Dialog files

The dialog files in this folder are simple text files with a specific syntax that define the story log entries in GC. The first entry starts with [CHAPTER 0], comments start with #.

Command Arguments Description
TITLE Textfile String The title shown directly over the main text body, not what is shown in the list of log entries.
MOVIE Movies.xml entry
WAIT Number (or SPEECH?)
SFX Sfx event xml name Play SFX.
TEXTCOLOR Four numbers 0-255 Set text color of any text entries below this command using rgba color format.
TEXT Textfile String Display textfile entry.
NEWLINE Number Add given number of empty lines
DIALOG SpeechEvent xml name